
Human rights

Although our market environment is ever-changing, our basic ethical values and the internal rules related to them have never changed.

Human rights
Human rights

Among them, integrity and compliance with ethical principles are core elements of our business activities. We promote a corporate culture that advocates ethical behavior, abides by laws and regulations, and upholds shared values. We respect all human rights in the enterprise and strive to practice the principle of fair competition.

Respect and protect human rights

We are committed to respecting and protecting international human rights. We expect all employees and business partners to adhere to our guidelines for upholding human rights. We do not accept any form of forced labour, child labor or human trafficking.



Upholding human rights involves delivering products and services of high quality that meet ethical standards and respect the dignity of all individuals.



Efficient processes ensure that human rights are upheld without unnecessary delays or bureaucratic obstacles, promoting fairness and equality.


Creating safe environments, both physical and psychological, is essential for protecting human rights and fostering trust and well-being among individuals and communities.

Correct behavior

Correct behavior

Ethical behavior and respectful communication are fundamental in upholding human rights, promoting inclusivity, and preventing discrimination or abuse in any form.

FENGTAI believes that quality, efficiency, safety and correct behavior are not only important in products and services, but also indispensable to the entire supply chain. The necessary trust in all business relationships can only be ensured by adhering to basic compliance standards and implementing occupational safety and environmental protection along the entire supply and value creation chain.